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6 Reasons Why Solo Travel Has Become So Popular

6 Reasons Why Solo Travel Has Become So Popular


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Solo travel is among the most popular trends this year. But what is it about going off on your own that is so appealing?

It could be a wide variety of reasons, but the one common denominator for solo travelers is we truly love seeing the world through our own lens.

Sure, having company is great. But then you have to align your schedules with common interests and budgeting to keep up with one another.

solo traveler in Morocco

Through the years, solo travelers have taken note that having a companion isn’t always necessary, and now it is a huge trend with no signs of slowing down any time soon.

Here are 6 reasons why taking a solo trip has become so popular:

Simply Wanderlust

Who hasn’t sat around daydreaming at a boring job or class, lusting for a dream vacation? There is a reason Southwest’s Wanna Get Away fares are so popular, after all. Because we all relate!

We all want to get away. Think of who you know who seems like they have the best life on paper. Nice house, nice cars, and probably a nice vacation.

solo traveler at airport

Even those who have the ultimate success are bitten by the travel bug too. Not all of us have that luxury, but we do our best.

Sometimes going solo is the only way to turn our vacation dreams into reality. But the desire to experience something new is in all of us.

Who Needs Friends Anyway?

Let’s face it, adulting is hard! You grow up thinking you will keep the same friends your whole life, but that’s not always the case.

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solo traveler on cliffside in Santorini

Sometimes we make new friends, but maybe they are too busy, or perhaps they simply don’t love traveling as much as you.

If you have travel on the brain and nobody to go with you, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. It just means it’s a different dynamic, and what you experience is completely up to you.

Your Phone Can Be Your Friend

Without a companion, it’s still easy to stay busy on the go. Whether it’s eating tacos in Mexico, sipping wine in France, or simply trying something new, you know you’re posting it on the ‘gram or Tiktok!

female traveler taking picture of waterfall

Having a travel buddy simply isn’t required in today’s modern world. You can stay connected with your friends back home and make them jealous of how much fun you’re having without them.

A Newfound Appreciation For Solitude

A study by the Journal for The Theory of Social Behavior found people want more alone time. What some may not understand is that solitude and loneliness are 2 different things.

Are there moments of loneliness during a solo trip? Of course. Not every single moment can be enough to keep ourselves entertained 24/7.

solo traveler in remote location

However, there are a lot of benefits to taking time for yourself. The study found some of the biggest benefits include an increase in:

  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality

Many solo travelers who seek solitude find themselves enjoying remote places off the beaten path.

Getting away from the bustling streets of concrete jungles and taking time to simply feel your feet on the grass can do wonders for the mind.

female meditating in mountains

Life doesn’t give us a reset button, but this may be as close as it gets.

It’s Okay To Shut Off Electronics

If showing off what you’re eating and how gorgeous the beach is at your resort isn’t your thing, it’s also okay to put your phone away for a while.

Digital detoxing is also one of the biggest travel trends this year. It’s no wonder why since we can’t seem to keep our eyes and thumbs off our phones.

With digital nomadism on the rise too, shutting off your laptop to escape Zoom calls can be a major plus on a solo trip.

digital nomad with scenic view

You Can’t Be Told What To Do

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s safe to say many of us had way more solitude than any of us anticipated.

Hopefully, the good from sudden lockdowns is we realized we could handle being alone. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it’s quite possible to be exhausted from being told what you can and cannot do.

The beauty of solo travel is you don’t need permission from anyone, as you are on nobody’s time but your own.

hiker jumping in the air

If your version of a vacation is sleeping in until 1 PM, you can do it. If you’re a backpacker who wants to wander cobblestone streets through South America, you can do it.

If you want to sit at a wine bar in Spain being fed never-ending tapas, nobody is stopping you but yourself!

Traveler Alert: Don’t Forget Travel Insurance For Your Next Trip!

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This article originally appeared on TravelOffPath.com


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