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Fari Islands commemorate two-year anniversary

Fari Islands commemorate two-year anniversary


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The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands and Patina, Fari Islands, a haven of unparalleled luxury and natural beauty, is famous for its untouched white-sand beaches and brilliant azure waters teeming with marine life. In just two short years, the property has established itself as a world-class resort, offering guests an extraordinary escape to paradise. On Wednesday, May 25, at the resort’s Fari Marina, guests may enjoy Fari Islands’ two-year anniversary celebration, a showcase of the resort’s remarkable achievements, unwavering commitment to exceptional service, and steadfast dedication to providing guests with extraordinary moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.

As part of the anniversary festivities, Fari Islands will organize a momentous coral regeneration project. Taking the shape of the number “2,” the coral regeneration effort will take place in front of the marina, serving as a symbol of the resort’s commitment to preserving and protecting the marine ecosystem.

The resort will proudly exhibit their sustainability initiatives through a variety of on-property programming, showcasing the work from a variety of departments. The culinary team is offering the chance for guests to make their own coffee scrub while sipping on their zero-waste cocktail named the Dhonkeyo which uses an entire banana in the recipe, while the engineering team will host a demonstration of the solar panels on property, alongside a coral/ceramic display highlighting the resort’s commitment to conservation. The Jean-Michel Cousteau Ambassadors of the Environment program will showcase their green bike, drone workshop and conservation initiatives for combating ghost nets. As an educational component to the anniversary festivities, The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands and Patina, Fari Islands have invited local students to join the celebration and learn more about the resort’s sustainability initiatives.

This unique opportunity aims to inspire and educate the younger generation about the importance of preserving the environment. To conclude the celebrations, guests will be treated to a captivating cocktail hour featuring a lively DJ and traditional Maldivian Boduberu music. This festive atmosphere will provide the perfect backdrop for guests to mingle, celebrate, and reflect on the resort’s remarkable journey over the past two years.
Upcoming Guest Experiences: The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands Presents Renowned Crystal Whisperer and Healer, Emma Lucy Knowles, 2nd-5th June

The Ritz-Carlton Spa at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands presents a week of love, light and intentions this June 2nd to 5th, with renowned crystal whisperer, energy healer and best-selling author, Emma Lucy Knowles, as part of the resort’s stellar Master of Crafts and Craftsmanship Calendar. As the Strawberry Moon rises – the last full moon of spring and the first of summer, Knowles will host a Healing Crystals Masterclass, a guided walk through the House of Crystals hosted at the Ritz-Carlton Estate, a Moonstruck Energy Dinner – featuring an exquisite six course menu inspired by the colours and energy aura of healing crystals served under the full moon, and A Voyage of Intentions Sunset Cruise where guests will be able to set intentions at sea.



The post Fari Islands commemorate two-year anniversary appeared first on Travel Daily.


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