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The Top 10 Countries American Travelers Love Most According To New Report

The Top 10 Countries American Travelers Love Most According To New Report


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2023 is the year of the American travel spree! A new detailed report from Mastercard has highlighted where Americans are whipping out credit cards and spending their travel dollars.

Of course, when it comes to these reports, there’s typically a lot of mumbo jumbo going over the cause and effect of travel trends, such as inflation and interest rates.

Mastercard claims a recent rise in disposable income and robust consumer spending are the main factors for current trends.

tourist at chichen itza

But what is most important to key in on is the bottom line, and that is the undeniable fact travel is back, and Americans are happily globetrotting all over the world.

Tourism records seem to be breaking left and right in multiple countries and U.S. cities as well. The current travel trend shows no signs of slowing down as the Summer season has arrived.

It doesn’t seem to matter the current economic state; Americans will always look forward to a Summer vacation.

According to Mastercard’s latest Travel Industry Trends report for 2023, these are the top 10 countries U.S. travelers love the most:

Americans Love Their Southern Neighbor

Mexico continues to be the number one spot for Americans to enjoy a nice getaway. From Baja to Chetumal, our Southern neighbor is a delight almost anywhere.

From thrilling megacities such as Mexico City to smaller upcoming destinations like Chetumal, travelers can easily find their niche.

Whether it’s an all-inclusive beach resort, a day spent roaming the bustling streets of Mexico City or swimming in a picturesque cenote, Americans love this amazing country most of all.

tourists on white sand mexico beach

Our Friends Across The Pond

Ranking second to Mexico is the United Kingdom. Americans love jumping on a flight across the pond to take in all the U.K. has to offer.

Americans are particularly driven to explore Scotland lately with influences from television shows and the desire to track down their heritage.

Others often want to venture to the immaculate city of London as well as other major U.K. cities, like Birmingham and Manchester, to name a couple.

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tourist on double decker bus in london

The Dominican Republic Continues To Shatter Tourism Records

This easily accessible Caribbean hotspot is showing no signs of any setback from U.S. tourists. This beautiful country of white sand beaches, lush mountains, and luxury resorts ranks third among American vacationers.

Punta Cana is the main draw, as roughly 80% of Americans will spend their time here during their Dominican escape.

Without this resort town, it’s highly likely U.S. tourists would have an entirely different view of the Dominican Republic.

beachgoers in samana dominican republic

The Most Surprising Destination Americans Love To Visit

Ranking tenth out of the bunch is Colombia. With many European and popular Caribbean destinations filling out the Top 10, Colombia was a shocker.

The United Nations recognizes 192 countries on record, so it’s interesting to discover Americans love Colombia so much.

Mastercard believes a rise in the lifestyle trend in digital nomadism has something to do with surprising destinations being on the list.

Colombia is a beautiful country in many ways, but when compared to the major resort destinations such as Jamaica and the Dominican Republic, it can be difficult to see why Americans love this country so much at first glance.

Medellin, in particular, has become a popular place for expats, but even more so with digital nomads due to the comfortable climate, rich culture, and affordability.

guatape lake in colombia

The Complete List Of Rankings

The Top 10 countries that Americans love most feature a mix of Europe, South America, North America, and Caribbean nations.

If there wasn’t such a huge increase in airfare costs to Asia this year, Asian countries would most likely be included as well.

eiffel tower on a clear day


1 – Mexico
2 – United Kingdom
3 – Dominican Republic
4 – Puerto Rico
5 – Jamaica
6 – Italy
7 -Germany
8 – France
9 – Spain
10 – Colombia

**Although Puerto Rico is technically not a country, it is located outside of mainland America. Given its high tourism rate, it was featured as a separate nation on the report.

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This article originally appeared on TravelOffPath.com


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